Rhinoplasty and Surgery Photos - Before and After

These photos are of patients who have provided consent to present online. Patient results have not been manipulated apart from attempts to remove any identifying features when requested by the patient. Dr Bonaparte has a larger collection of surgery photos he can show during your consultation.

Rhinoplasty - BEfore and After Photos

This patient had a prominant dorsal hump (A bump on the nose) as well as some over projection of the tip. Using a closed rhinoplasty technique, I was able to provide a nice contour of the nose which suited the patients facial features.

Rhinoplasty for Bump on the Nose

This patient was bothered by a dorsal hump or a bump on the nose as well as some fullness of the tip. An open rhinoplasty was performed to improve these features.


This patient had a twisted nose from a prior rhinoplasty. A revision rhinoplasty was performed to improve the twist of the nose


Beautiful result of a Rhinoplasty. Adjusting the dorsal hump and improving the tip really bring out a patients eyes.

Over Rotated Tip Rhinoplasty

This patient had a rhinoplasty to improve two aspects of the nose, the tip of the nose is what we call over-rotated, meaning it looks like it is pointing up. By lowering the rotation and improving the tip, it blends more with the other features of the patients face. An open rhinoplasty was performed.

Rhinoplasty for Irregular Nose

This patient was bothered by a slight hump as well as an overly pointed tip. An open rhinoplasty was performed to improve the contour of the patients nose

Before and After Rhinoplasty

Profile view of a patient who wanted just a subtle change to their nose, less of a hump, with a soft nasal tip

This patient wanted a subtle scoop to the nose. this was accomplished using a closed rhinoplasty technique

Frontal View Rhinoplasty

This patient did not want a significant change on he frontal view of the nose, the wanted the tip to look more natural and less narrow as well as a straighter upper aspect of the nose


Rhinoplasty and Chin Implant Procedure

This patient had a complex problem. The patient had a large nose but also, a chin that was recessed. We decided to perform both a chin implant and a rhinoplasty to improve the appearance and facial symmetry as well as facial balance. A chin implant was placed for the patient and a complex nasal reconstruction was performed to improve the nose.

Rhinoplasty and Chin Implant performed to achieve more facial balance


Submental Liposuction

Young patient who underwent submental liposuction. The dramatic effect was done with only liposuction. You can appreciate the improvement in the jawline.

Submental Liposuction in a patient with more skin laxity. You can see that there is tightening of the skin to an extent that the patient was very pleased with the results

Young patient who had an excellent result after undergoing Submental Liposuction (Neck Liposuction). Like many people who undergo liposuction, there is often far more tightening of the skin than people often expect.